December 2

A Guaranteed Method For Creating a Powerful Sales Mindset


#001 – A Guaranteed Method For Creating a Powerful Sales Mindset

It’s strange how many people don’t realize how important their mindset is.

When we talk about sales, developing a strong sales mindset becomes something mandatory since everything will happen because of the way you think about yourself, the client, the product, and the outcome.

Your mindset is your treasure. If you evaluate it properly and create systems to get it bigger, better, and smarter, you can develop your sales skills, your life, and your career at a fast pace.

But if you don’t give it value, filling yourself with bad thoughts and low emotions such as anger or envy, you might face serious problems at work.

Many people fail here because of procrastination.

A study conducted by Darius Foroux on 2219 people revealed that around 88% of the workforce tends to procrastinate at least one hour a day.

Further, it stated that a person earning $40k a year wastes 15,000 dollars by procrastinating three hours a day.

You don’t need to be a procrastinator throughout your life, and you have the power to change that in order to thrive in your sales, life, and career.

You just need a leap of faith in yourself.

Rory Vaden’s book, Procrastinating on Purpose, talks about it:

To focus your efforts, work, and energy, you must create a system to eliminate what’s holding you back.

7 Ways To Make More Sales By Unleashing Your Mindset

Step 1: Have a Positive Visualization

Close your eyes and imagine your success in sales. Picture yourself confidently sealing deals, surpassing targets, and relishing the fruits of your increased income.

As you visualize this journey, let the words flow like a river, with twists and turns, rapids of excitement, and serene pools of satisfaction.

Step 2: Goal Setting

If your goal is to increase monthly sales revenue by 15% in the next quarter, your smaller steps might include actions like:

  1. Identifying your top-selling products and services
  2. Analyzing customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Developing a targeted marketing campaign
  4. Training your sales team on new strategies
  5. Monitoring and adjusting your progress on a weekly basis.

Step 3: Mindfulness and Stress Management

You need to add mindfulness exercises and meditation practices to your daily routine since they’ll enable you to nurture a sense of tranquility and mental clarity.

As you do, you equip yourself to more effectively manage the inevitable challenges, rejections, and setbacks that are part of the sales journey.

In a nutshell, it’s not just about selling products; it’s also about presenting yourself as a confident professional. Mindfulness can prove to be a potent ally in the pursuit of this objective.

Step 4: Continuous Learning

To thrive in the dynamic world of sales, it’s crucial to adopt a growth mindset—an attitude of constant self-improvement and a commitment to enhancing your sales skills and knowledge.

Here are 10 action plans that you can start right away to make this mindset change:

1. Continuous Learning

Attend sales training programs, workshops, and seminars regularly.

2. Reading books

Seek out books written by sales experts and thought leaders in your industry.

3. Industry Trends

Subscribe to industry publications, follow relevant blogs, and engage with thought leaders on social media.

4. Networking

Attend networking events, join professional organizations, and connect with colleagues and mentors.

5. Embrace feedback

Seek feedback from clients, colleagues, and supervisors.

6. Set goals

Having specific objectives gives you direction and motivation to continually improve.

7. Adaptability

Be open to trying new approaches and technologies.

8. Resilience

Develop resilience by focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

9. Self-Reflection

What worked well? What could have been done differently?

10. Mentorship

Consider finding a mentor in the sales field—someone with experience who can guide and inspire you.

Step 5: Positive Affirmations

Use positive affirmations to reprogram your mindset. Repeatedly affirm to yourself that you are a successful salesperson, that you can overcome challenges, and that you are deserving of success.

Here’s a list of 10 powerful affirmations that can boost your self-esteem and confidence:

1. “I am a successful salesperson.”

Repeating this affirmation daily reinforces your self-image as a competent and accomplished sales professional.

2. “I excel at overcoming challenges.”

Remind yourself that challenges are opportunities for growth and that you have the skills and determination to overcome them.

3. “I am deserving of success and prosperity.”

Banish any feelings of self-doubt by affirming your inherent worthiness for success and abundance.

4. “I attract and close deals with ease.”

This affirmation reinforces your ability to not only attract potential clients but also to convert leads into successful deals effortlessly.

5. “I am confident and persuasive in my sales presentations.”

Boost your confidence in your sales pitches and interactions by affirming your persuasiveness and self-assurance.

6. “Every ‘no’ brings me closer to a ‘yes.’”

Embrace rejection as part of the sales process and acknowledge that each rejection is a stepping stone toward a successful outcome.

7. “I am constantly improving and evolving in my sales skills.”

Reinforce your commitment to continuous learning and growth in your sales career.

8. “I radiate positivity and enthusiasm, attracting clients to me.”

Project a positive energy that draws clients to you and makes them eager to do business with you.

9. “I am a problem solver, meeting clients’ needs with innovative solutions.”

Affirm your ability to address clients’ needs effectively and creatively, positioning yourself as a valuable resource.

10. “I am in control of my sales destiny.”

Reassert your control over your sales career and outcomes, reminding yourself that your success is in your hands.

Step 6: Resilience

Rejection is an inevitable companion on your journey. Yet, it’s crucial to engrave in your consciousness that rejection, in no way, stamps a value on your intrinsic worth. It’s merely a transient facet of the process.

Rather than succumbing to the shadows of failure, channel your energy into the illumination of growth. Every rejection can be a stepping stone, a valuable lesson in disguise. Embrace it as an opportunity to learn, evolve, and transcend your previous limitations.

Step 7: Customer-Centric Focus

Transition your perspective from a sales-centric approach to a customer-centric one. Grasp your customers’ needs, empathize with their struggles, and provide solutions that authentically serve their interests. This change in mindset can establish trust and pave the way for more substantial, enduring customer relationships.


Incorporating these practices into your daily routine will help you adopt a growth mindset and stay on a path of continuous improvement.

Remember that in sales, as in life, those who are committed to learning and evolving are often the ones who achieve the greatest success.

You’re special in your own way, so do not try to copy a system that works for another salesperson or another professional.

Start developing your own method and keep moving, measuring the results, and getting better over time. Always remember, against facts, there are no arguments.


Diego Mangabeira



Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. 1:1 Coaching: Book a working session with me. 1:1 coaching is available for both business and personal growth topics. Let’s win together 🏅.

2. Eagle Tools: Want an eagle-eyed mindset? Check out my tools page to see my gears that power my life & business.

3. The Eagle Mindset System: COMING SOON.


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