#020 - Stop Getting Ignored! Craft Irresistible Subject Lines That Boost Sales

Hello, amazing readers! In the bustling world of sales, your email’s subject line is your first (and sometimes only) chance to grab your prospect’s attention. It’s the gatekeeper, the make-or-break moment that decides whether your message gets opened or lost in the abyss of the inbox. So, how do you craft that perfect, irresistible subject line?

Today, we’re diving deep into the art of creating compelling subject lines that significantly boost your email open rates. From leveraging curiosity to personalization, these tips are goldmines for any sales professional aiming to improve their communication strategy. Let’s unlock the secrets to subject lines that your prospects can’t help but click on!


1. Personalize with the Recipient’s Name

“Hey [Name], you’re missing out!” Personalization is not just a trend; it’s a communication staple. Including your recipient’s name in the subject line creates an instant connection, making the email feel tailored just for them. It’s like spotting a letter in your mailbox amidst a pile of flyers. This simple touch can dramatically increase your open rates by signaling to the recipient that there’s something personal and relevant inside just for them.

2. Spark Curiosity with a Question

“Is this your biggest marketing challenge?” Questions are powerful tools that naturally spark curiosity. They prompt the recipient to think and, more importantly, seek answers. Crafting a subject line as a question, especially one that touches on a common pain point or a thought-provoking topic, can entice recipients to open the email in search of a solution or an answer.

3. Create Urgency Without Sounding Spammy

“24 hours left: Exclusive offer for you” Urgency compels action. However, the key is to strike the right balance without crossing into spam territory. An effective subject line communicates urgency in a way that feels exclusive and time-sensitive, encouraging the recipient to act now rather than later. Make sure your offer inside matches the hype.

4. Offer Immediate Value

“Unlock 10 Proven Sales Techniques Inside” Everyone loves to receive something valuable. A subject line that promises immediate, actionable value has a high chance of being opened. Be specific about what your email contains and how it benefits the recipient. This approach not only boosts open rates but also positions you as a helpful resource.

5. Use Numbers and Lists

“7 Secrets to Doubling Your Sales Funnel” Numbers in subject lines stand out. They promise concise, easy-to-digest content. Whether it’s tips, secrets, or strategies, numbers imply a structured format that appeals to recipients looking for quick insights or solutions.

6. Leverage the Power of ‘How to’

“How to Close Deals Faster and Efficiently” ‘How to’ subject lines are compelling because they promise an educational takeaway. They work well because they address the recipient’s desire to improve a skill or solve a problem. Ensure that your email delivers on the promise of the subject line, providing valuable insights or steps.

7. Flaunt Social Proof

“See why 500+ companies trust our solution” Social proof is persuasive. A subject line highlighting the success stories or the number of people who have benefited from your product or service can pique interest. It reassures recipients that they’re not alone in considering your offering.

8. Challenge Common Beliefs

“What you know about SEO is wrong” Challenging a common belief or misconception can be an effective way to grab attention. This type of subject line provokes curiosity and promises insightful content that corrects or debunks widely held beliefs, enticing recipients to learn more.

9. Keep It Short and Sweet

“Meet your sales match” With inboxes more crowded than ever, brevity can be your best friend. Short, intriguing subject lines are easy to digest and stand out amid longer titles. They’re particularly effective on mobile devices, where screen real estate is limited.

10. Use Humor Wisely

“Is your CRM this clingy?” Humor can be a breath of fresh air in a sea of sales emails, but it must be used judiciously. A funny subject line can make your email memorable, but ensure it’s appropriate for your audience and industry. When done right, humor can significantly increase your open rates.

Let’s ramp up your email game even further with these three bonus subject lines, designed to capture attention and get those emails opened. Remember, the key to a great subject line is making sure it resonates with your audience while standing out in their crowded inbox.

Bonus 1: Invoke the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

“Last Chance: Don’t Miss Out on Exclusive Insights” FOMO is a powerful motivator. This subject line taps into the fear of missing out on something valuable and exclusive. It suggests that action is required now to benefit from what’s inside the email, creating a sense of urgency that’s hard to ignore.

Bonus 2: Offer a Clear Benefit

“Transform Your Sales Process in Just One Hour” People are always looking for ways to improve and achieve more in less time. This subject line promises a significant benefit (transforming one’s sales process) that’s achievable in a remarkably short period. It’s specific, which adds to its appeal, suggesting that the email contains a quick, valuable solution.

Bonus 3: Use Intrigue to Spark Curiosity

“Unlock the Secret to Effortless Selling” Intrigue can be an effective tool in your subject line arsenal. This line promises access to a ‘secret,’ which naturally piques curiosity. What’s this secret to effortless selling, and how can it help the reader? The only way to find out is by opening the email, which is precisely the action you want your recipient to take.

By incorporating these bonus subject lines into your strategy, you’re not just sending emails; you’re crafting intriguing invitations to engage with your content. Test them out, see which resonates best with your audience, and watch as your open rates take a joyful leap upwards. Remember, the world of email marketing is always evolving, so stay curious, keep experimenting, and never stop learning. Happy emailing, and here’s to your success!


Crafting the perfect subject line is an art form that balances creativity with strategy. It’s about understanding your audience and what motivates them to engage. By incorporating personalization, sparking curiosity, offering value, and even injecting a bit of humor, you can significantly improve your sales email open rates.

Remember, the goal is to make your recipient feel like opening your email is worth their time. Test different approaches, analyze the results, and refine your strategy over time. With these tips in your sales arsenal, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of the sales email.

So, go ahead, experiment with these subject lines, and watch as your engagement rates soar. Happy selling, and don’t forget to share this guide with your network – let’s all achieve communication mastery together!


Diego Mangabeira


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